Have a question about the Enhanced Transaction API?

Q: How many credits does it each call use?

A: Each Enhanced Transaction API call uses 100 credits.

Q: Which commitment levels are supported?

A: Both APIs support "Finalized" and "Confirmed" commitment level. "Finalized" is set by default. The "Processed" level is not supported.

Q: How many transactions can be passed in Parse Transaction(s) API?

A: You can pass u transactions in each API call.

Q: How does the Parsed Transaction History API fetch transactions?

A: The API fetches and parses transactions. The before and after parameters determine where to start and finish the search. When you include a type parameter, it will only include transactions that match that type. For example, if a user has 50 transfers within the last 100 transactions, the call will return 50 results.

Q: How long does the Parsed History Transaction API take?

A: Parsing is done at runtime. If you filter by type, the latency is not consistent because it may have to search through thousands of transactions. The call will time out after 10 seconds.

Q: How many transactions can the Parse Transaction History API fetch?

A: The API can fetch a maximum of 100 transactions. You can set the limit between 1 and 100 in the query.

Q: How do I get the entire transaction history of an address?

A: Use pagination to fetch the entire history. Check out this example code sample to learn more.

Q: Why don't I see token transfers in the Parsed Transaction History API?

A: Token transfers involve the address's associated token accounts, meaning changes occur in the user's associated token account. You can view which accounts are included in a transaction on an explorer like Solana Explorer. If the account you are tracking is not in the list of included accounts, it will not appear in the API response.

Q: What if the transaction source I need is not listed?

A: You can still track all the transactions, you can filter your required source from the "UNKNOWN" type.

Last updated