💊Digital Asset Standard (DAS) API

The most comprehensive and performant API for tokens, NFTs, and compressed NFTs on Solana.


The Digital Asset Standard (DAS) API is an open-source specification and system that provides a unified interface for interacting with digital assets (tokens, NFTs, etc). The API supports fungible tokens, regular NFTs, and compressed NFTs. Some methods (e.g. "getAssetProof") are exclusively for compressed assets.

Helius' API is fully compatible with the shared OpenRPC specification. The API is exposed via our standard RPC endpoints:

  • Devnethttps://devnet.helius-rpc.com

  • Mainnethttps://mainnet.helius-rpc.com

DAS Methods

The DAS endpoints allow users to query both regular and compressed NFTs. The getAsset and getAssetProof methods provide the Merkle tree data that is required when interacting with compressed NFTs (transfer, burn, etc). The getAssetsByOwner and searchAssets methods provide information about both fungible tokens and non-fungible tokens.

Fungible Token Extension

Fungible token support is available through the getAssetsByOwner and searchAssets methods. Go to Fungible Token Extension (Beta) to learn more.

Inscriptions & SPL-20

You can optionally display inscription and SPL-20 token data with the showInscription flag. You can learn more about inscriptions and SPL-20 here. Please note that this is an experimental feature.

The Helius API does not verify SPL-20 tokens. Trade at your own risk. For more information, please use the validator tool or join the Libreplex Discord channel.

Off-chain Indexing

Most NFT collections store additional metadata such as attributes and image URLs off-chain. Typically the data is hosted on Arweave or IPFS. DAS allows you to retrieve this information alongside your regular NFT data within a single API call. It does this by indexing all the off-chain data.

Please note that data mutations that happen off-chain cannot be detected by Helius. The off-chain data will be updated once the NFT is seen by the system again (e.g. NFT is modified on-chain). If you need the off-chain to be re-indexed for a collection please contact Helius support.

Methods available using Helius:

Get an asset by its ID. Note: we've enhanced this with our CDN to ensure speedy token metadata retrieval.

Get Asset

Get a list of transaction signatures related to a compressed asset.

Get Signatures For Asset

Search for assets by a variety of parameters. Very useful for token-gating!

Search Assets

Get a Merkle proof for a compressed asset by its ID.

Get Asset Proof

Get a list of assets owned by an address. This is the fastest way to get all the NFTs and fungible tokens that are owned by a wallet on Solana.

Get Assets by Owner

Get a list of assets by a group key and value. This endpoint is very useful for getting the mintlist for NFT Collections.

Get Assets by Group

Get a list of assets with a specific authority.

Get Assets by Authority

Get a list of assets created by an address.

Get Assets by Creator

Last updated