
Subscribe to receive notification anytime a new block is confirmed or finalized.


filter (string | object, required)

Description: Filter criteria for the logs to receive results based on account type.

String Options:

  • all: Include all transactions in the block.

Object Options:

A JSON object with the following field:

  • mentionsAccountOrProgram (string): Return only transactions that mention the provided public key (as a base-58 encoded string). If no mentions occur in a given block, no notification will be sent.

object (optional)

Description: Configuration object containing the following fields:

  • commitment (string, optional): Default: finalized. Note: processed is not supported.

  • encoding (string, optional): Default: json. Specifies the encoding format for each returned transaction. Values:

    • json

    • jsonParsed

    • base58

    • base64


    • jsonParsed attempts to use program-specific instruction parsers to return more human-readable and explicit data in the transaction.message.instructions list.

    • If jsonParsed is requested but a parser cannot be found, the instruction falls back to regular JSON encoding (accounts, data, and programIdIndex fields).

  • transactionDetails (string, optional): Default: full. Specifies the level of transaction detail to return. Values:

    • full

    • accounts

    • signatures

    • none


    • If accounts is requested, transaction details only include signatures and an annotated list of accounts in each transaction.

    • Transaction metadata is limited to: fee, err, pre_balances, post_balances, pre_token_balances, and post_token_balances.

  • maxSupportedTransactionVersion (number, optional): Specifies the maximum transaction version to return in responses.


    • If the requested block contains a transaction with a higher version, an error will be returned.

    • If omitted, only legacy transactions will be returned, and a block containing any versioned transaction will prompt an error.

  • showRewards (bool, optional): Whether to populate the rewards array. Default behavior includes rewards if this parameter is not provided.


Returns an integer which serves as the subscription ID. This ID is required to unsubscribe.

Code Samples

Request Example 1 (Subscribe to all transactions in a block):

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "1",
  "method": "blockSubscribe",
  "params": ["all"]

Request Example 2 (Filter by account and include optional configuration):

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "1",
  "method": "blockSubscribe",
  "params": [
      "mentionsAccountOrProgram": "LieKvPRE8XeX3Y2xVNHjKlpAScD12lYySBVQ4HqoJ5op"
      "commitment": "confirmed",
      "encoding": "base64",
      "showRewards": true,
      "transactionDetails": "full"

Response Example:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": 0,
  "id": 1

Notification Format

The notification is an object with the following fields:

  • slot (u64): The corresponding slot.

  • err (object | null): Error if an issue occurs while publishing the notification; otherwise null.

  • block (object | null): A block object as seen in the getBlock RPC HTTP method.

Example Notification

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "blockNotification",
  "params": {
    "result": {
      "context": {
        "slot": 112301554
      "value": {
        "slot": 112301554,
        "block": {
          "previousBlockhash": "GJp125YAN4ufCSUvZJVdCyWQJ7RPWMmwxoyUQySydZA",
          "blockhash": "6ojMHjctdqfB55JDpEpqfHnP96fiaHEcvzEQ2NNcxzHP",
          "parentSlot": 112301553,
          "transactions": [
              "transaction": [
              "meta": {
                "err": null,
                "status": {
                  "Ok": null
                "fee": 5000
          "blockTime": 1639926816,
          "blockHeight": 101210751
        "err": null
    "subscription": 14

Last updated