RPC Optimization Techniques

In-depth technical insights into optimizing Solana RPC usage.

Transaction Optimization Patterns

Follow these best practices for optimizing Solana transaction sending and confirmation. For a detailed guide, visit Helius Transaction Optimization Guide.

Optimize Compute Unit (CU) Usage

  • Simulate CUs Used: Test your transaction to determine CU usage. Example:

    const rpcResponse = await connection.simulateTransaction(testTransaction, { replaceRecentBlockhash: true, sigVerify: false });
    const unitsConsumed = rpcResponse.value.unitsConsumed;
  • Set a CU Limit: Add a margin (~10%) to the simulated value:

    const computeUnitIx = ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitLimit({ units: Math.ceil(unitsConsumed * 1.1) });

Serialize & Encode Transactions

  • Serialize and Base58 encode your transaction for APIs:

    const serializedTx = testTransaction.serialize();
    const encodedTx = bs58.encode(serializedTx);

Set Priority Fees

  • Get Fee Estimate: Fetch a recommended priority fee from Helius:

    const response = await fetch(HeliusURL, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ method: "getPriorityFeeEstimate", params: [...] }) });
    const priorityFee = (await response.json()).result.priorityFeeEstimate;
  • Apply the Fee:

    const computeBudgetIx = ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitPrice({ microLamports: priorityFee });

Send & Confirm Transactions

  • Assemble, serialize, and send your transaction using sendTransaction or sendRawTransaction.

  • Tip: Set skipPreflight: true to reduce transaction time by ~100ms, but note the loss of pre-validation.

Monitor & Rebroadcast

If a transaction isn’t confirmed:

  1. Use getSignatureStatuses to check its status.

  2. Rebroadcast until the blockhash expires.

For a comprehensive breakdown, visit our guide.

When to Use Jito Tips

Key Facts

  • Bundles: Groups of up to 5 transactions executed sequentially and atomically via Jito.

  • Tips: Incentives for block builders to execute bundles.

  • Auctions: Bundles compete via out-of-protocol auctions every 200ms based on tip amounts.

  • Validators: Only Jito-Solana client validators (currently >90% of stake) can process bundles.

  • Prioritization: Tips, compute efficiency, and account locking patterns determine bundle order.

  • Use Cases: Ideal for landing transactions at the top of a block.

When to Use Jito Tips

  • MEV Opportunities: Arbitrage trading, liquidation transactions, front-running protection, specific transaction ordering.

  • Time-Critical DeFi Operations: Token launches, high-volatility trades, NFT mints.

  • High-Stakes Transactions: Immediate settlement or time-sensitive interactions.

Examples of Jito Usage

  1. Arbitrage Trading: A trader identifies a price difference between two decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Using Jito tips ensures their arbitrage transaction is processed at the top of the block, securing profit before others can react.

  2. NFT Minting: During a high-demand mint, competition is fierce. Adding Jito tips guarantees priority placement in the block, increasing the chances of a successful mint.

  3. Liquidation Transactions: In lending protocols, liquidations can be time-critical. Jito tips allow the liquidator’s transaction to execute ahead of others, ensuring timely liquidation and profit capture.

Best Practices for Jito Tips

  • Use Tips for Priority: Apply Jito tips only when transaction timing and order are critical.

  • Avoid Overusing Tips: Routine actions like token transfers or minor interactions typically don’t benefit from Jito tips.

  • Optimize for Efficiency:

    • Assess the urgency and value of the transaction.

    • Ensure compute resources and account locking patterns are optimal to avoid unnecessary tip spending.

  • Monitor Network Conditions: High congestion may necessitate higher tips to compete effectively.

Evaluation Checklist Before Using Jito Tips

  • Is the transaction time-sensitive?

  • Does the transaction require specific ordering in the block?

  • Are the accounts being accessed under high contention (hot state)?

  • What is the potential ROI compared to the cost of the tip?

  • Are current network conditions favorable for using Jito?

JavaScript/TypeScript Optimization Tips for Solana

Lazy Loading

Load components only when needed to reduce initial load time:

if (condition) {
  const module = await import("./heavyModule.js");

Optimized Loops

Use for loops instead of forEach for better performance with large datasets:

for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

Use Map or Set for Lookups

For frequent lookups, Map and Set are faster than arrays:

const map = new Map([ ["key", "value"] ]);
const value = map.get("key");

Prefer const

const enables better optimizations than var or let:

const counter = 0;

Manage Memory

Clear unused intervals or subscriptions to avoid leaks:

const intervalId = setInterval(doSomething, 1000);

Batch or Debounce API Calls

Minimize redundant RPC calls:

let timeoutId;
function debounce(func, delay) {
  timeoutId = setTimeout(func, delay);
debounce(() => connection.getLatestBlockhash(), 300);

Simplify Object Handling

Avoid deep cloning of large objects; use shallow copies:

const newObj = { ...originalObj };

Optimize JSON Handling

For large payloads, use libraries like json-bigint:

import JSONbig from "json-bigint";
const parsed = JSONbig.parse(largeJsonString);


  • Better performance and scalability

  • Reduced resource usage

  • Cleaner, maintainable code

Data Transfer Optimizations

Base64 Is Faster than Base58

For serialized transaction data on Solana, Base64 is faster and more efficient than Base58. Base64 avoids complex calculations and is widely supported by Solana APIs.

Use Base64 Encoding:

// Serialize and encode
const serializedTx = testTransaction.serialize();
const encodedTx = encode(serializedTx);

// Decode when needed
const decodedBytes = decode(encodedTx);


  • Faster encoding/decoding

  • Native support in APIs

  • Ideal for performance-critical tasks

Efficient Token Balance Lookup

Instead of:

const accounts = await connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(owner);
const balances = await Promise.all(
  accounts.map(acc => connection.getTokenAccountBalance(acc.pubkey))
// ~500ms + (100ms * N accounts)

In the above approach, you make one call to fetch the token accounts, then make multiple additional calls—one per token account—to retrieve balances. This approach quickly becomes expensive for wallets with many token accounts (e.g., NFTs or multiple SPL tokens).


const accounts = await connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(owner, {
  encoding: "jsonParsed",
  commitment: "confirmed"
const balances = accounts.value.map(acc => acc.account.data.parsed.info.tokenAmount);
// ~500ms total, 95% reduction in time for large wallets

By requesting jsonParsed data in a single RPC call, you eliminate the need for separate getTokenAccountBalance calls for each account. This drastically reduces both the round-trip overhead and the total data transferred (from ~2 KB per account to ~200 B).


  • Fewer RPC calls: Collapses N calls into 1.

  • Less data: Fetching parsed token data directly avoids redundant information.

Smart Program Account Selection

Instead of:

const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(programId);
const filtered = accounts.filter(acc => 
  acc.account.data.readUint8(0) === 1
// Downloads all account data (~1MB for 1000 accounts)

This strategy downloads the entire dataset and filters it on the client side, which can be slow and expensive.


const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(programId, {
  filters: [
    { dataSize: 100 }, // exact size match
    { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: "01" }}
  dataSlice: { offset: 0, length: 100 }
// Downloads only filtered accounts (~100KB for the same dataset)

Using server-side filters (dataSize and memcmp) and slicing the data significantly reduces the volume of data your application processes locally.


  • Reduced data transfer: Server-side filtering avoids downloading unneeded data.

  • Better performance: Less CPU usage on the client, fewer bytes over the wire.

Instead of:

const sigs = await connection.getSignaturesForAddress(address, { limit: 1000 });
const txs = await Promise.all(
  sigs.map(sig => connection.getTransaction(sig))
// ~1s + (200ms * 1000 txs) = ~200s

Calling getTransaction for each signature quickly adds up to hundreds or thousands of RPC calls.


const sigs = await connection.getSignaturesForAddress(address, { limit: 1000 });
const txs = await connection.getTransactions(
  sigs.map(s => s.signature),
  { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0 }
// ~2s total, 99% reduction in time

By batching all signatures into a single getTransactions call, you drastically reduce total latency.


  • Fewer round trips: One request instead of 1000.

  • Server-side optimization: The RPC node handles bulk processing more efficiently than many small requests.

Real-Time Account Monitoring

Instead of:

setInterval(async () => {
  const info = await connection.getAccountInfo(pubkey);
}, 1000);
// 1 RPC call per second, high latency

A polling approach can waste both bandwidth and compute resources if the account rarely changes.


const sub = connection.onAccountChange(
  (account, context) => {
    // Handle real-time updates here
  { encoding: "base64", dataSlice: { offset: 0, length: 100 }}
// Zero polling calls, 100-200ms latency

Using WebSockets (onAccountChange) pushes updates to your application in near-real time and eliminates repetitive polling.


  • Lower latency: Changes are delivered as they happen, rather than on a fixed schedule.

  • Less network overhead: You only receive data when it changes, rather than every second.

Block Info Streaming

Instead of:

let slot = await connection.getSlot();
while (true) {
  const block = await connection.getBlock(slot);
// 1 RPC call per block, high latency

Polling for each new block can become costly over time.


connection.onSlotChange(async (slotInfo) => {
  const block = await connection.getBlock(slotInfo.slot, {
    maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0,
    transactionDetails: "signatures"
  // Process block data

By subscribing to slot changes, your application gets block data in real time without constant polling.


  • Eliminates polling: New data is pushed as soon as the RPC node observes a new block.

  • Finer control: You can decide which transaction details to fetch (signatures, full, etc.).

Advanced Query Patterns

Token Holder Breakdown

Instead of:

const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID);
const holders = accounts.filter(acc => 
  acc.account.data.parsed.info.mint === mintAddress
// Downloads all token accounts (~100MB+)

This approach unnecessarily downloads data for every token account in existence.


const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, {
  filters: [
    { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: mintAddress }},
    { dataSize: 165 } // Token account size
  encoding: "jsonParsed"
// Downloads only relevant accounts (~1MB)


  • Targeted queries: Only fetch accounts for the specified mint.

  • Significant bandwidth savings: Up to a 99% reduction in data transfer.

Program State Analysis

Instead of:

const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(programId);
const states = accounts.filter(acc => acc.account.data.length === STATE_SIZE);
// Downloads all accounts

Filtering locally means downloading a large dataset first.


const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(programId, {
  filters: [
    { dataSize: STATE_SIZE },
    { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: STATE_DISCRIMINATOR }}
  dataSlice: { offset: 8, length: 32 }
// Downloads only state data (~90% reduction)


  • Reduced data transfer: Leverage the RPC node to filter by dataSize and memcmp.

  • Faster client processing: Only download essential fields via dataSlice.

Validator Performance Check

Instead of:

const slots = await connection.getBlocks(start, end);
const leaders = await Promise.all(
  slots.map(slot => connection.getSlotLeader(slot))
// N+1 RPC calls

Fetching block production metrics individually is inefficient.


const production = await connection.getBlockProduction({
  range: { firstSlot: start, lastSlot: end },
  identity: validatorId
// Single RPC call with filtered data


  • One request: Retrieves aggregated block production stats in bulk.

  • Fewer network calls: Lowers overhead and speeds up data processing.

Account Updates Analysis

Instead of:

const txs = await connection.getSignaturesForAddress(address);
const states = await Promise.all(
  txs.map(async tx => {
    const info = await connection.getAccountInfo(address, { slot: tx.slot });
    return info;
// N+1 RPC calls, downloads full history

Re-fetching historical data for every transaction can be slow and memory-intensive.


const changes = await connection.onAccountChange(
  () => {
    // Handle state changes in real time
  { encoding: "base64", dataSlice: { offset: 0, length: 32 }}
// Real-time updates with minimal data


  • Streaming approach: Capture state changes as they occur.

  • Less data: Only fetch slices of the account if you need partial info.

Memory Optimization Patterns

Processing Large Data

Instead of:

const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(programId);
const processed = accounts.map(acc => processAccount(acc));
// Loads all data into memory

Processing thousands of accounts at once can lead to out-of-memory errors.


const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(programId, {
  dataSlice: { offset: 0, length: 32 },
  filters: [
    { dataSize: ACCOUNT_SIZE }

const chunks = chunk(accounts, 100);
for (const chunk of chunks) {
  const details = await connection.getMultipleAccountsInfo(
    chunk.map(acc => acc.pubkey)
  // Process chunk

Chunking ensures that you only load manageable subsets of data at a time.


  • Prevents OOM: Keeps memory usage in check by processing smaller batches.

  • Improved throughput: Parallel processing of chunks can speed up overall operation.

Transaction Graph Analysis

Instead of:

const txs = await connection.getSignaturesForAddress(address);
const graph = new Map();
for (const tx of txs) {
  const details = await connection.getTransaction(tx.signature);
  graph.set(tx.signature, details);
// Sequential processing, high memory usage

Sequentially processing a large number of transactions can be slow.


const txs = await connection.getSignaturesForAddress(address);
const graph = new Map();
const chunks = chunk(txs, 25);

for (const batch of chunks) {
  const details = await connection.getTransactions(
    batch.map(tx => tx.signature),
    { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0 }
  // Process each transaction in the batch
  batch.forEach((tx, i) => {
    if (details[i]) {
      graph.set(tx.signature, details[i]);
// Parallel processing with chunking, 60% less memory


  • Faster: Batching transactions reduces overhead.

  • Controlled memory usage: Large sets are split into smaller requests.

Managing Program Buffers

Instead of:

const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(BUFFER_PROGRAM_ID);
const buffers = new Map();
accounts.forEach(acc => {
  buffers.set(acc.pubkey, acc.account.data);
// Loads all buffers into memory

Holding all buffer data in memory can become very large, very quickly.


const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(BUFFER_PROGRAM_ID, {
  filters: [
    { dataSize: 32 }, // Header only
    { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: BUFFER_SEED }}
const bufferMap = new Map();
accounts.forEach(acc => {
  bufferMap.set(acc.pubkey, null);

// Load buffers on-demand
const getBuffer = async (key) => {
  if (!bufferMap.has(key)) return null;
  if (!bufferMap.get(key)) {
    const info = await connection.getAccountInfo(key);
    bufferMap.set(key, info.data);
  return bufferMap.get(key);


  • Lazy loading: Only fetch buffer contents when needed.

  • 90% reduction in initial memory usage: You avoid loading all buffers at once.

Token Account Reconciliation

Instead of:

const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID);
const balances = new Map();
accounts.forEach(acc => {
  const { mint, owner, amount } = acc.account.data.parsed;
  if (!balances.has(owner)) balances.set(owner, new Map());
  balances.get(owner).set(mint, amount);
// Processes all token accounts

Fetching all token accounts globally is often unnecessary.


const owners = new Set(/* known owners */);
const balances = new Map();

for (const owner of owners) {
  const accounts = await connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(
    { programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID },
    new Map(
      accounts.value.map(acc => [


  • Targeted queries: Only query token accounts for known owners.

  • Less memory usage: An 80% reduction compared to pulling every token account on chain.

Compressed NFT Indexing

Instead of:

const trees = await connection.getProgramAccounts(SPL_ACCOUNT_COMPRESSION_ID);
const leaves = await Promise.all(
  trees.map(async tree => {
    const canopy = await getConcurrentMerkleTreeAccountInfo(tree.pubkey);
    return getLeafAssetId(canopy, 0, tree.pubkey);
// Processes all trees sequentially

If you have a large number of compression trees, this can be a bottleneck.


const trees = await connection.getProgramAccounts(SPL_ACCOUNT_COMPRESSION_ID, {
  filters: [
    { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: TREE_DISCRIMINATOR }},

const leafPromises = trees.map(tree => {
  const start = Date.now();
  return getConcurrentMerkleTreeAccountInfo(tree.pubkey)
    .then(canopy => {
      if (Date.now() - start > 1000) return null; // Timeout for slow trees
      return getLeafAssetId(canopy, 0, tree.pubkey);
    .catch(() => null);

const leaves = await Promise.all(leafPromises);
const validLeaves = leaves.filter(Boolean);
// Parallel processing with timeouts, 70% faster


  • Parallel execution: Processes multiple trees simultaneously.

  • Timeouts: Prevents tasks from blocking the entire flow.

Network Optimization Patterns

Smart Retry Logic

Instead of:

const getWithRetry = async (signature) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    try {
      return await connection.getTransaction(signature);
    } catch (e) {
      await sleep(1000);
// Fixed retry pattern

A rigid retry pattern can fail in scenarios with variable network conditions or rate limits.


const getWithSmartRetry = async (signature) => {
  const backoff = new ExponentialBackoff({
    min: 100,
    max: 5000,
    factor: 2,
    jitter: 0.2
  while (true) {
    try {
      const tx = await connection.getTransaction(signature);
      if (!tx) {
        if (backoff.attempts > 5) throw new Error("Transaction not found");
        await backoff.delay();
      return tx;
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.message.includes("429")) {
        await backoff.delay();
      throw e;
// Smart retries with 40% better success rate


  • Adaptive backoff: Dynamically extends wait time for repeated failures.

  • Handles rate limits: Checks for specific errors (e.g., "429 Too Many Requests").

WebSocket Optimization

Instead of:

const sub1 = connection.onAccountChange(acc1, () => {});
const sub2 = connection.onAccountChange(acc2, () => {});
const sub3 = connection.onAccountChange(acc3, () => {});
// Multiple WebSocket connections

Too many individual subscriptions can strain the WebSocket connection.


class BatchSubscription {
  private subs = new Map();
  private batch: string[] = [];
  private timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;
  constructor(private connection: Connection) {}
  subscribe(address: string, callback: Function) {
    this.subs.set(address, callback);
    if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
    this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.flush(), 100);
  private async flush() {
    const addresses = [...this.batch];
    this.batch = [];
    // Hypothetical batch subscription method
    const sub = this.connection.onAccountChange(
      (account, context) => {
        const callback = this.subs.get(context.key);
        if (callback) callback(account, context);

const batchSub = new BatchSubscription(connection);
batchSub.subscribe(acc1, () => {});
batchSub.subscribe(acc2, () => {});
batchSub.subscribe(acc3, () => {});
// Single WebSocket connection, 70% less overhead


  • Fewer connections: Consolidates multiple subscriptions into one.

  • Lower overhead: Reduces the complexity of maintaining many WebSocket channels.

Custom Data Feeds

Instead of:

connection.onProgramAccountChange(programId, () => {});
// Receives all account changes

Receiving updates for every account in a program can flood your application with unneeded data.


const filters = [
  { dataSize: 1024 },
  { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: ACCOUNT_DISCRIMINATOR }}

  () => {
    // Handle relevant changes
    encoding: "base64",
    dataSlice: { offset: 0, length: 100 }
// Receives only relevant changes, 90% less data


  • Reduced bandwidth: Filter out accounts you don’t care about.

  • Less processing: Limits the data you must handle on each event.

Transaction Monitoring

Instead of:

setInterval(async () => {
  const sigs = await connection.getSignaturesForAddress(address);
  const newSigs = sigs.filter(sig => !processed.has(sig));
  for (const sig of newSigs) {
    const tx = await connection.getTransaction(sig);
    // Process tx
}, 1000);
// Polling with high overhead

Polling for signatures can lead to duplicate checks and wasted requests.


const ws = new WebSocket(wsEndpoint);
const sub = {
  jsonrpc: "2.0",
  id: 1,
  method: "logsSubscribe",
  params: [
    { mentions: [address] },
    { commitment: "confirmed" }

ws.on("open", () => ws.send(JSON.stringify(sub)));
ws.on("message", async (data) => {
  const msg = JSON.parse(data);
  if (!msg.params?.result?.value?.signature) return;
  const sig = msg.params.result.value.signature;
  const tx = await connection.getTransaction(sig);
  // Process tx
// Real-time updates with 80% less overhead


  • Push-based: Gets new signatures immediately via logs.

  • Less duplication: Eliminates repeated polling intervals.

Best Practices

  1. Use Appropriate Commitment Levels

    • processed for WebSocket subscriptions.

    • confirmed for general queries.

    • finalized only when absolute certainty is required.

  2. Implement Robust Error Handling

    • Use exponential backoff for retries.

    • Handle rate limit (HTTP 429) errors gracefully.

    • Validate responses to avoid processing incomplete or corrupted data.

  3. Optimize Data Transfer

    • Utilize dataSlice wherever possible to limit payload size.

    • Leverage server-side filtering (memcmp and dataSize).

    • Choose the most efficient encoding option (base64, jsonParsed, etc.).

  4. Manage Resources

    • Batch operations to reduce overhead.

    • Cache results to avoid redundant lookups.

    • Bundle multiple instructions into a single transaction where applicable.

  5. Monitor Performance

    • Track RPC usage and latency.

    • Monitor memory consumption for large dataset processing.

    • Log and analyze errors to detect bottlenecks.

  6. Circuit Breakers & Throttling

    • Employ circuit breakers to halt or pause operations under excessive error rates.

    • Throttle requests to respect rate limits and ensure stable performance.

By following these techniques and best practices, you can significantly reduce operational costs, enhance real-time responsiveness, and scale more effectively on Solana.

Last updated

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